Watch Lost Season 6 Episode 14 The Candidate Online


Watch Lost Season 6 Episode 14 The Candidate Online

As we move on with "Lost", we will enjoy once again this coming May 4 for its new episode entitled "The Candidate" which will be shown at 9-10:02pm (Eastern & Pacific time). If you have nothing to do at that date, it's best to watch Lost Season 6 Episode 14 The Candidate online and see what happens next to our characters!

In this episode, we will know about Jack's decision. Decision for what? In Lost Season 6 Ep 14, Jack must decide whether or not to trust Locke after he is asked to follow through on a difficult task. What was that task they are talking about? And will Jack decide to go for it or not?

You can only find out when you watch Lost S6 Ep14 The Candidate this coming Tuesday, May 4. Before doing so, you should know more about Anthony, Helen and Seamus and why they can be very important characters in this specific episode.